We have Great News!
We Now Provide a top notch Funding source for those that would like to Join
Money Order Freedom or American Bill Money the Best way there is…
…Using Other Peoples Money
We will be providing this much needed source of funding to ALL of your prospects that respond to your advertising/postcards and ALL of their prospects E.T.C.
Imagine how fast and smooth things can go for You if we can help You get started with
$0 out of pocket expense !
Now Imagine if we can help You find and fund just 5 others, with us doing all the “selling”.
That would put $10,000 in Your pocket. Minus the Funded repayment You’ll have a
$5,000 PROFIT.
If we Help each of those 5 do the same, You would Earn another $25,000 from their efforts!
And, If We Help those people do the same You would Earn another
$125,000 form their efforts.
That’s $155,000 PROFIT to YOU for your participation and part-time marketing efforts.
And Remember You don’t have to Stop at 5, You can refer as many as you can without having to speak to anyone or sell anything!
We do that for you!
You can find out today how much money is available to you by answering a few simple questions.